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Dr Choong Yeow Wei
Choong Yeow Wei张博士是革新教授。他曾担任 HELP 大学副校长和马来西亚 HELP College Arts & Technology 校长。他共同主持了法国-亚洲 ICT 合作计划下的 EXPEDO 研究小组。他的研究兴趣涉及了量子计算、大数据分析、数据挖掘、多维数据库和人工智能 (AI) 领域。他在各种期刊上发表了 30 多篇技术论文,其中包括许多在国际会议上的发表。目前,张博士正在研究量子计算、自动驾驶汽车和其他前沿技术的进步。 张博士还是亚洲、欧洲和澳大利亚多所大学的客座教授。为了表彰他的研究和文化贡献,张·博士被法国政府授予 - Ordre National du Mérite (2019) 和 Ordre des Palmes Académiques (1998)。
Djalil Chikhi
Dr Amsyar Rahim
Scientific Advisor
Usman Tahir
Usman Tahir 先生拥有市场营销和国际商业管理的 MBA 学位。他在业务发展、战略规划、营销、财务管理和监督方面拥有良好的业绩记录。作为财务管理技术和开发概念方面的专家,Usman 先生安排了公司上市程序,创建了销售驱动抵押品,并成功推出了多个产品。
Usman 先生擅长于分析组织的关键业务需求,识别缺陷和机会,并开发创新的成本效益高的质量解决方案,以提高竞争力、增加收入和改善客户服务的产品。在都是繁忙的快节奏和充满挑战的环境中,他成功获取了丰硕的成果。
除此之外,他在美国、阿联酋和马来西亚拥有 10 年的企业工作经验。
Islam Jubaidul
Mr. Islam Jubaidul (Tanveer) is a highly qualified professional with a distinct educational background and extensive industry experience. He holds a Diploma in Hotel Management, a Bachelor of Business degree, and has earned a Master of Applied Business Analytics (MABA). He has worked in several 5-star hotels in Kuala Lumpur at different divisions of services.
Mr. Tanveer has successfully completed his trainings in using technologies in the hospitality industry. His interests include emerging technologies especially in the service industry. He has completed dozens of reports on emerging technologies. Some of these reports cover areas such as autonomous vehicles, power storage and quantum computing.
He has 5 years of work experience in Malaysia. His hobbies include fitness trainings and travelling. He has travelled extensively in Asia.